Tuesday, 11 October 2016

How to Make Money Doing What You Like

So you have decided to make money doing what you like…now how do you figure that out?  Use this 3-step process:
Before you begin brainstorming possibel markets to target with your internet business, stip and consoder the following:
What are you interested in?
What are you passionate about?
What subject or topic do you have a lot of knowledge about?
What are people always coming to you for advice about?
If you stat your business based on something you know and like you’ll enjoy it more, will stick with it through the tough times, and at the end of the day, truly enjoy it more – while it pays you money.  What could be better than that?
And it will be easier to start you business on something you already know, rather than trying to become an expert (though that’s not too hard either…)
Sometimes I hear that moms think they don’t have any skills or interests…or just their kids.  That’s baloney.  You used to have skills and interests way before you had kids – remember that time…and you still do – they may be new, or it may time to dust off an old hobby.  Are you an expert on getting your kid to eat his or her vegetables, clean her room or get straight A’s or more time on the playing field.  Can you feed a family of 6 on 50 bucks a week… guess what – people want to know how to do that and they might  be willing to pay you for it.
So start with this:
1. Consider your interests, hobbies and areas of expertise.  Think about your life experiences – all the jobs you have ever had  even the unpaid ones, and the volunteer work and the hobbies you’ve tried.  All the times you have helped people and enjoyed it.  Keep a notebook handy and keep adding to the list over a day or two.
Our Next post will be list of questions you can ask yourself to help find your interests and passions – stay tuned.

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