Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Matt Cutts: Do You Still Build Links Using Article Directories? Why It May Not Be A Good Idea

Do article directories still make sense in your marketing and SEO plans?

Deepika’s question to Matt Cutts shows that there’s still hope around article directories, even after so many years (they went strong in the 90s and early 2000s, after all).

However, over the years article directories have been abused for black hat SEO and gibberish, so their reputation has gradually decreased.

In this Webmaster Tools video, Matt Cutts says that Google has been seeing how article directory content “tends to be a little bit of the lower quality stuff” or downright spammy content that then spreads around the Web, so after all articles from directories effective anymore and he advises to stay away from them.

So, article directories are not a good idea… What to do, then?

You’ll be amazed at the number of ways you can use to generate links from content! ;) And they’re all more effective than to build links using article directories.

Guest Posts

Don’t make them spammy, of course, or they’ll be like old spammy article directory content! What you want to do is focusing on the reader, NOT on links. Links will come on their own when readers will share, bookmark and cite the guest post on their blogs.


Participate in forums and write in-depth, insightfuly threads and reply posts. Sometimes you can add a link back to relevant content on your site, sometimes you can’t but you can still mention your brand name— and that will work, too.

Quora and Yahoo! Answers

Answer readers’ questions and make sure to add your brand name and your text-only URL (no hyperlink) in your signature. But don’t answer for the sake of citation— give the person who asked the question (and other users, and then site moderator) a reason to love you!

Social Networks

Write insightful tweets, pins and Facebook posts— and add links from your blog to support your point. This shouldn’t be blatant promotion, but a way to encourage discussion and an exchange of opinions over a certain topic.

Are there other ways to generate good backlinks?

Yes, there are. The above mentioned ways are only a few to count, but we encourage you to read our other post on easy ways to get backlinks in 2015.

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