When developing a network of niche or authority web sites, you eventually will reach a critical level that you cannot get past. This is the point where you are writing too many articles for publication on your own sites, penning too many other articles intended for link building, managing numerous blogs and taking care of maintenance will start to be too much for one person to handle. When you reach this stage, the key phrase you should be thinking over is: outsourcing?
Is Outsourcing the Time Saver it is Cracked Up to Be?
Outsourcing comes in all kinds of flavors and types. It can cover systematized blog set up, writing for main earning sites (money sites), satellite sites (that can link to your money sites), SEO link building, design of headers and logos and other services.
Outsourcing Blog Set Up
When using the WordPress blogging platform, it is possible to add a backup plugin like the http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/backup-and-move/ to backup the website. This can have the dual function of saving your site setup in case of data loss, but also makes a .zip file copy of your site installation which can be installed with the click of a mouse on a new domain with a fresh WordPress install.
In this way, it is possible to set up, for instance, an Amazon product review site, and then simply save the blog set up and re-install that on a new domain. From there, it’s quick to change the title, description, etc. and swap out the WordPress theme too. This saves time, but it can also make creating a new site something that can be broken down into steps that an outsourcer can follow.
Outsourcing Content Production
For the site owner, it is only possible to produce so many articles per day, to a good quality. After that, you quickly lose the desire to write more and even if you can produce the content, you will typically see a steady decline in quality. Even with a reduced publishing schedule from daily posts to 2-3 posts per week, when you have too many sites you will max out on time available to produce the content. At this point, you are forced to reduce the posting frequency, reduce the post length, reduce the quality or figure out another solution.
Content rates for native speakers start from around 1c per word. Less than that and the writer will struggle to stay financially solvent. It pays to treat the writer well, because they will stay with you long term and this saves time constantly screening for new writers whilst maintaining writing quality and style consistency over time. Some writers such as financial bloggers offer their own freelance writing services for 2.5-3c per word, which makes a 700-1,000 word financial article cost about $25-30.
It is also possible to outsource to non-native speakers. They offer content for 0.4c per word and upwards, but this is very low quality. The search engine, Google.com, has been rooting out web sites that contain low quality content from non-native speakers and a site owner using such cheap content risks making money this month, but losing all revenue with the next Google algorithm update and then throwing their hands up in the air and asking, “What happened?”
Is Outsourcing the Time Saver it is Cracked Up to Be?
Outsourcing comes in all kinds of flavors and types. It can cover systematized blog set up, writing for main earning sites (money sites), satellite sites (that can link to your money sites), SEO link building, design of headers and logos and other services.
Outsourcing Blog Set Up
When using the WordPress blogging platform, it is possible to add a backup plugin like the http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/backup-and-move/ to backup the website. This can have the dual function of saving your site setup in case of data loss, but also makes a .zip file copy of your site installation which can be installed with the click of a mouse on a new domain with a fresh WordPress install.
In this way, it is possible to set up, for instance, an Amazon product review site, and then simply save the blog set up and re-install that on a new domain. From there, it’s quick to change the title, description, etc. and swap out the WordPress theme too. This saves time, but it can also make creating a new site something that can be broken down into steps that an outsourcer can follow.
Outsourcing Content Production
For the site owner, it is only possible to produce so many articles per day, to a good quality. After that, you quickly lose the desire to write more and even if you can produce the content, you will typically see a steady decline in quality. Even with a reduced publishing schedule from daily posts to 2-3 posts per week, when you have too many sites you will max out on time available to produce the content. At this point, you are forced to reduce the posting frequency, reduce the post length, reduce the quality or figure out another solution.
Content rates for native speakers start from around 1c per word. Less than that and the writer will struggle to stay financially solvent. It pays to treat the writer well, because they will stay with you long term and this saves time constantly screening for new writers whilst maintaining writing quality and style consistency over time. Some writers such as financial bloggers offer their own freelance writing services for 2.5-3c per word, which makes a 700-1,000 word financial article cost about $25-30.
It is also possible to outsource to non-native speakers. They offer content for 0.4c per word and upwards, but this is very low quality. The search engine, Google.com, has been rooting out web sites that contain low quality content from non-native speakers and a site owner using such cheap content risks making money this month, but losing all revenue with the next Google algorithm update and then throwing their hands up in the air and asking, “What happened?”
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