This article will discuss a technique you can use to gain some long term, and very quick traffic.
You don’t have to pay for this traffic, yet it is still high quality.
Also, you can spend as little as 20 minutes a day on this (and enjoy yourself), yet still ‘out do’ other traffic building methods.
This is about joining in with conversations in your niche – aka ‘blog commenting’ – although, I dislike the second term, as it conjures up the image of spamming everything in site with automated software.
Of course this little guide is not about that, and I don’t recommend it either.
What we want to do here is set up a little alert system to let us know when someone has written a blog post (or web page with commenting enabled) that discusses something specific.
The idea here is to jump into the conversation and leave a helpful comment. You can then link back to your site, as most comment forms enable this.
For SEO purposes, you can try and leave your chosen keyword as your name, so it becomes an anchortext link pointing to your site, which obviously is great for your SERPS. However, think first before doing this, as sometimes blog owners will delete your comment, considering it spam.
it’s better to simply leave your name. Surprisingly, you still get a fair amount of clicks, as people admire those who are helpful and knowledgeable. The blog visitors are far more likely to click through in this case.
Tip: If you’re being extra helpful, you can sometimes link back to your site within the actual comment itself, although again, be careful, and see it the blog owner usually lets people do this before you try.
Also, if you leave a link in the comment, I’d advise against using html to create an anchortext link. Some blogs have html turned off in the comments, so all you’ll end up with is garbled html as a comment.
No point in spending time writing a comment just to get it deleted…
Okay, back to the technique.
As I mentioned, you set up some kind of system that alerts you to new blog posts about your chosen niche or keyword phrase. There are two
ways we can do is:
1.) Find the most popular blogs or websites in your niche. The first place to look is the top, most popular ‘guru’s’ in your niche – the
ones who consistently get a lot of comments on each post.
Alternatively, check out technorati’s ‘top 100′ blogs, and find the biggest in your niche.
We then subscribe to their feed. Usually the blogs will send their own alert out when a new post is published, but I find it quicker to put
the feed directly into a feed reader (you can download free ones, like AlertBear), and set it to make a sound and notify you.
We want to be notified as quick as possible, so we can jump over their in an instant to leave our comment. This is because the first few comments are the ones that get read the most – thus giving you the most traffic.
Not many people will read every comment, especially if there’s hundreds – so if you hear the alert, drop everything and get over their quick!
2.) Google alerts. With this, you can write in any keyword or subject, and you’ll be notified whenever a new page or post is created on the whole internet (as long as Google has indexed it) which includes those keywords.
You can set up alerts to notify you instantly, or at a certain time each day. If you’re not in a position to jump onto any alerts, then at least you can set a certain time each day to concentrate on them.
3.) Google blog search or blog commenting software. If you want to get to work straight away, you can use Google blog search to research any places to leave comments. It works just like Google alerts, but in real time.
You can even set it to show you blog posts that were published in the last hour, so you can still be in with a chance of being one of the first commenters.
You can do the same with blog commenting software, like Comment Kahuna, which can bring some advanced filtering, and make the process easier.
Please don’t underestimate this traffic tactic. It can far surpass other traffic building techniques, and can even be done in place of SEO. You just need to put consistent effort in, and the traffic will come. It will also remain as long as the site owners keep their posts there.
The other benefit is becoming well known as an expert. In your particular niche, especially by regular readers.
You don’t have to pay for this traffic, yet it is still high quality.
Also, you can spend as little as 20 minutes a day on this (and enjoy yourself), yet still ‘out do’ other traffic building methods.
This is about joining in with conversations in your niche – aka ‘blog commenting’ – although, I dislike the second term, as it conjures up the image of spamming everything in site with automated software.
Of course this little guide is not about that, and I don’t recommend it either.
What we want to do here is set up a little alert system to let us know when someone has written a blog post (or web page with commenting enabled) that discusses something specific.
The idea here is to jump into the conversation and leave a helpful comment. You can then link back to your site, as most comment forms enable this.
For SEO purposes, you can try and leave your chosen keyword as your name, so it becomes an anchortext link pointing to your site, which obviously is great for your SERPS. However, think first before doing this, as sometimes blog owners will delete your comment, considering it spam.
it’s better to simply leave your name. Surprisingly, you still get a fair amount of clicks, as people admire those who are helpful and knowledgeable. The blog visitors are far more likely to click through in this case.
Tip: If you’re being extra helpful, you can sometimes link back to your site within the actual comment itself, although again, be careful, and see it the blog owner usually lets people do this before you try.
Also, if you leave a link in the comment, I’d advise against using html to create an anchortext link. Some blogs have html turned off in the comments, so all you’ll end up with is garbled html as a comment.
No point in spending time writing a comment just to get it deleted…
Okay, back to the technique.
As I mentioned, you set up some kind of system that alerts you to new blog posts about your chosen niche or keyword phrase. There are two
ways we can do is:
1.) Find the most popular blogs or websites in your niche. The first place to look is the top, most popular ‘guru’s’ in your niche – the
ones who consistently get a lot of comments on each post.
Alternatively, check out technorati’s ‘top 100′ blogs, and find the biggest in your niche.
We then subscribe to their feed. Usually the blogs will send their own alert out when a new post is published, but I find it quicker to put
the feed directly into a feed reader (you can download free ones, like AlertBear), and set it to make a sound and notify you.
We want to be notified as quick as possible, so we can jump over their in an instant to leave our comment. This is because the first few comments are the ones that get read the most – thus giving you the most traffic.
Not many people will read every comment, especially if there’s hundreds – so if you hear the alert, drop everything and get over their quick!
2.) Google alerts. With this, you can write in any keyword or subject, and you’ll be notified whenever a new page or post is created on the whole internet (as long as Google has indexed it) which includes those keywords.
You can set up alerts to notify you instantly, or at a certain time each day. If you’re not in a position to jump onto any alerts, then at least you can set a certain time each day to concentrate on them.
3.) Google blog search or blog commenting software. If you want to get to work straight away, you can use Google blog search to research any places to leave comments. It works just like Google alerts, but in real time.
You can even set it to show you blog posts that were published in the last hour, so you can still be in with a chance of being one of the first commenters.
You can do the same with blog commenting software, like Comment Kahuna, which can bring some advanced filtering, and make the process easier.
Please don’t underestimate this traffic tactic. It can far surpass other traffic building techniques, and can even be done in place of SEO. You just need to put consistent effort in, and the traffic will come. It will also remain as long as the site owners keep their posts there.
The other benefit is becoming well known as an expert. In your particular niche, especially by regular readers.