Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Easy Steps to Create A Blog

Blog can be created very easily. It can be done in simple steps. Anyone with little technical skills can maintain and create a blog. If you use Word-press blogging software you can create your blog easily.
Blogs are very popular nowadays. A blog is a website that’s normally maintained by an individual with description of events, video, graphics, or regular commentaries. The entries are displayed in the chronological and reverse order. The word “blog” can be used as a verb which means to add or maintain content to a blog.
Nowadays blogs are also used by internet marketers or companies for the promotion of their products. They make chronological entries of promotional materials and articles those are related to their products. Blogs are personal than traditional websites. While making a blog you have to use your keywords in the blog name, in the domain name, and also in the pages of the blog. You can insert ins. Ins are the software modules that add distinguishing features in your blog.
 Here are the steps of making a blog:
You have to get a domain name. You have to buy a domain name, which will cost you $10.00 for a year.
You have to get hosting for your domain. Your yearly hosting will be around $100. You have to activate the domain in your host server. If you don’t know how to do it our site  will provide you with in-depth information.
You have to download a blog. Then you have to go to c Panel and search for software services and simple script. After going to the script list a screen will open where you can choose your blog style.
Choose a formatting style that attracts you the most, though you can change it later on. Then you have to scroll down where you have to click on the domain that you chose for your blog. Now you have installed your blog.
One you have installed your blog you can view a screen with a user name and password. There you can find your blog address and log in to URL where you can do all the editing of your blog.

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