Tuesday, 8 November 2016

How to Automatically Post Twitter Tweets from WordPress

Social networks are a great way to start generating traffic to your blog and attract a good audience of people interested in your content and products / services. However, if we are not careful, they can be a great distraction and waste of time.
Along with Facebook, Twitter is one of the most popular and used by millions of people worldwide social networks. It is very useful to share content, connect with people interested in a specific topic.
When you have a blog, it’s always good to send tweets every so often with links to the articles you publish, your content in this way “old” well you are generating traffic and relevance.
To avoid doing this process manually, which can be a big waste of time, we’ll update the whole process with a simple tool.
Automatically Post Tweets From WordPress
This is a plugin called Tweetily, which automatically sends your tweets published items (randomly selected) in a given time range.
Includes several options to include or exclude categories, change the time of publication in tweets, use services like Bit.ly URL, include hashtags and more.
Download the plugin Tweetily (You can also install it directly from the WordPress dashboard).
How you can you see, is a process that can be done in less than 5 minutes. I recommend you do not set it so often send tweets. Once every 2 or 3 hours is good, but every half hour might be too.
After configuring, I can publish high-quality content! It is the best way to grow your blog and help people in your niche. If this tutorial helped you, share on social networks and leave any comments.

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