Tuesday, 29 November 2016

How to Keep Your Motivation High in Your Blogging Career

It is difficult to keep your motivation level high, I know it as I struggle with it countless of times every month in my blogging / internet marker life, even though I love internet marketing and writing. There are days that I question myself if I am doing the right thing or should I be better off doing something else, for example doing a real job or having an employer telling me what to do. So let’s explore where this anxiety comes from and how to tackle each of them one by one.

The uncertainty or the fear

This is the uncertainty of being an entrepreneur, working on your own and for yourself. Many entrepreneurs have this feeling once in a while, when they questions their goals and vision. That’s why being an entrepreneur is not the path for everyone. It’s unclear, it’s risky but also very exciting and fulfilling if you get to do what you love. This uncertainty is even bigger when you are an internet marketer or a blogger, especially if you do not think of it as a real and serious career.

The confusion

Internet marketing is not new, neither is blogging and there is no lack of information on it either. However as there are too many superficial information sources on the topic, it is difficult to know which one you can trust and which advices you should follow. This is why I have established the roadmap which I have followed in building each of my sites and this plan works. You can follow my plan to a Tee or shop around and find one from a reputable website that you feel trustworthy.

The laziness or the procrastination problem

It happens to the best of us. When you are an entrepreneur, especially an internet entrepreneur, there are tasks that even the hardest working person on Earth loathes to do. These grunt work could be keyword researching, building links to your website, signing up social media or forum profiles, etc. You dread doing these repetitive time consuming work so you keep putting it off and do something else instead.

Above are a few biggest reasons why most people who want to start an internet marketing career did not follow it through. But you don’t have to be one of the quitters. After you have learned why your motivation runs low, it’s time to tackle these little buggers and get you back on track!

Have a real business plan with goals, milestones and clear daily tasks. Make your goals concrete and measurable. For example your goal is to have 1000 unique visitors to your website per day after 3 months of working on it or ranking the first position on Google for keyword “X” after 1 month.

Read stories of people who have been successful in the same or similar areas with you. There are plenty of forums that internet marketers hang out and share their success stories and tips. You can for example register to be a member of Warrirorforum or DigitalPoint. After reading the stories, you would see that most of these people did not have an over-night success and their empire was built up after days of hard work and dedication.
Outsource the grunt work: if you feel like you can invest your time more efficiently somewhere else, hire someone to do the work you hate. You can rent a short term assistant to do a variety of tasks or use a service of a freelancer or a company for more specific work.
Have a defined amount of work hours. This is especially important if you have a day job and have to share the time with your online career. To start with, you can commit around 2-3 hours per day for your websites. The predefined time amount makes you more focused and your mind is less likely to wander as you know that this time slot is especially for this activity.
And last but not least, have a little bit of faith in yourself. Faith that you can do this, faith that you will succeed in your venture and finally live the life you have always dreamt of.

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