Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Social networking, the new marketing tool

Google recently announced that it ranked Facebook as “the number 1 website in the world” and it’s no surprise. With over 500 million users worldwide and 900 billion pieces of content served every month it’s easy to see why social networking is such an important part of today’s modern world. It’s not just an online novelty for the technically minded, it’s a social too for every day life.

For a while at least Google Adwords ruled the online marketing world, paying per click for search traffic, hoping the right kind of people looking for your product will click on your sponsored link instead of what Google deems top ranking. Online marketing used to be all about impressions, clicks and getting your banners on to ad networks. This is no longer the marketing tool of choice, social networking is the future.

Over 50% of Facebook users log in to their account every day, they interact with their friends, fan pages and interest groups. Twitter too is an every day social tool for over 200 million users. Both of these social networks (and many like them) are the new online playground. If you want to interact with the online world then these are the places to engage them.

To like and be liked

Alas, much like the blogging world, some companies just don’t grasp the fact that these networks aren’t for abusing. Randomly publishing links to your brand won’t work. Social networks are tools for socialising, if you don’t socialise how do you expect anyone to like what you’re doing? In fact to be “liked” on a social network is to succeed. People won’t do that unless they know you’re human.

Companies embracing social networks

An amazing thing has happened in the social networking world. One that opens the door to all companies wishing to embrace it. People want businesses on social networks. I’m surprised if a company doesn’t have a twitter account these days. In fact I’ve even wished some of my favourite brands did so I could not only speak to them more easily, i could recommend them to my followers. Social networkers could have easily regarded any commercial ventures as spammers only after making money by using these great online tools. For some reason this isn’t the case. Virgin Atlantic has 19,000 followers on twitter, Coca Cola has 175,000. 3.2 million people “like” the Nike Facebook fan page. Selling your products and promoting your brand on social networks is not only acceptable it’s expected!

A customer services base and promotional tool

The great thing about using social networks for online marketing is it’s hard to hide the truth. People expect you to talk to them when they mention you on twitter or write on your wall on Facebook. It’s instant access to someone within the company that’s willing to talk to them. If your service is bad people will talk about it on your fan page, if you’ve got a prize to give away you use exactly the same platform. Social networking offers a stream of data, use it well and people will love you for it.

Ignore social media at your peril

In conclusion there is no way to escape social media these days. While you pussy-foot around, your competitors are blazing a trail on social networks and building brand loyalty. Social networking isn’t a new fad, it’s here to stay and it’s where your customers are.

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