Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Need An Idea On How to Start a Blog That Makes You Money for Life?

How to start a blog that makes you money for Life is very easy if you follow some simple procedures. Some of these procedures are what I will be talking about in this article.

Why do you need to start a blog?

In the past, online marketing is a very expensive game. You have to have a high advertising budget in order to spread the word about your products or services online. Today, anyone with a blog, either an individual or a large company has the ability to reach a large number of people at very little or no cost. That alone opens another flood gate of wealth creation through online advertisement. This and many more to come will address how to start a blog that makes you money.

Basic Steps On How to Start a Blog That Makes You Money for Life

Brainstorm Ideas.
Register a domain.
Choose a blogging platform.
Start your blog.
Design your blog.
Start blogging!

Step 1: Brainstorm Ideas
Here, you need to brainstorming and deciding on what you want to blog is the first point in the right direction. If you are part of an established business, company or organization, all you have to do is to relate your blog to the product(s) or service(s) you or your organisation is providing, or the cause you promote.
However, if you are an individual, this is a bit technical. You have to pay a good attention to your choice of topics.  You should look at the following items below in deciding what you want to blog about:

Is it a niche you enjoy discoursing about?
Is it about a particular thing you enjoy doing?
Is it something you have a lot of knowledge about?
Is it something that gives room for wide and collective discursions?

It should be noted that the primary goal for any blog is to become the go-to resource or a bank of expert knowledge for its topic or niche.

Step 2: Register a good domain name:

A domain name is the identity of a particular website/blog. Ia good domain name is very vital to the success of your website. The following are the things to consider:
The Basics: The basic things you should look for in a good domain name is that it should be short, it should be catchy and memorable. It should be easily spelled and pronounceable by all!

Some Silent Rules to Take Note of: Avoid buying a domain name that is too similar to competing domain names. Ensure that you avoid violating someone else’s trademark.

”.COM” – The”.com” domain is the most popular top-level domain and should be the first to be considered when registering any domain name. It should also be noted that good domains with .com are sometimes hard to find. Therefore, if your products or services are country specific or if your primary focus is a particular a specific country, then you can register your domain with that country’s specific domain. E.g. .us, .co.uk and so on.

Research-based or Brand-based domains: Here, the domain you style you choose depends on your strategy. If you intend to rely on traffic specifically from Search engines, then it is here advised that you should register domain names using real words and phrases like TopTvProducers.com such that when people search for the that phrase, it will help your website increase in search ranking. However, if your marketing efforts is focus on paid search listing, banner adverts and buzz building, then you can use brandable name like Insiders1.com that people will remember.

Be creative: It is a fact that we all wants to have a single-word domain for our websites. It is also a fact that such domains are hardly available most times. Creativity becomes too important here in order to get around this reality. I highly advised on the combination of two words to achieve this. For example, YouTube is a combination of two separate words. Therefore, without creativity, knowing how to start a blog that makes you money will not have much impact on you. This is because at every stage of blogging, new challenges will appear.
Step 3: Pick a blogging platform

With domain name issue finally settled, the next item is to choose a blogging platform. A blogging platform is the service or software your new blog will be installed and run on. There are so many choices available and they include the following: Blogger, WordPress, TypePad, Squarespace, and Tumblr.
Out of all the types listed above, WordPress is the most popular.
I have used various blogging platforms before at my early years of blogging. Of all I have used, WordPress remains the best blogging platform. WordPress is very flexible to use, it has a high level of functionality and is used by majority of bloggers the world over.

If you are convinced and want to use the WordPress platform, the following options are available for you.
Hosted WordPress blogs: These blogs are often referred to as WordPress.com blogs. They offer free subdomain and free-hosting services with limited functionalities.
Self-hosted WordPress: These blogs are often referred to as WordPress.org blogs. In this platform, you have to have your own domain and hosting accounts, you then install the WordPress on your hosting space.

One fact stand out, for most people, a self-hosted WordPress blog is the better choice over any other

Step 4: Start your blog

Now, I am assuming you choose a self-hosted WordPress blog instead of a hosted one. With it, you have your own unique identity and you are ready to start blogging. Don’t panic, it is very easy to get your blog up and running in the shortest possible time. If however you find it difficult to do, I will help you do it for FREE. Yes, I will do it for you 100% FREE and hand it over to you while you keep your wallet and credit card away.
Just click HERE to let me help you get your blog up and running.

Step 5: Design your blog

Once your blog is installed and live online, you will need to customize the design and make it look unique. WordPress blog has already made designs called themes.

A free theme comes pre-packaged with WordPress, but it’s possible that so many people out there are using it. Because of that, I recommend you to use a premium theme. Apart from exceptional and better features, the main benefit of a premium theme is that you have access to support. A place to ask questions and report problems is extremely valuable, especially when you’re just get started.

On like free themes, Premium themes are more technical and may require the service of an expert to help you get started. This way, everything is done for you from start to finish. All you have to do is blog and market your blog. I personally recommend you to take advantage of Premium Blog Installation located HERE. With it, you have 247/365 support. You just communicate your desire, make necessary items available and you are good to go. Click HERE NOW!

Step 6: Start blogging!

If you follow all the steps above till this one, you are right on track and off to a great blogging experiences. At this point, you can now focus on writing quality articles!
Of course, there are many more things to learn as you sail on in the sea of blogging, some easy while some tough and scarce too. Just remember one thing, we have all been exactly where you are now, we did the needful and just like the rest of us, you can do it and exhale!
Surely, how to start a blog that makes you money will not be completely dealt with by the six points above.  To get more, follow the next recommendation.

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