Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Are You Writing For The Right Audience?

There exists a simple fact that most blog writers ignore when they set out to write a blog, so they can make money from this web site, or to simply learn a brand new way of online conversation, and that is the fact a blog is Internet worthy reading unless you, the blog owner, transform the rules, in which you write for only some people and make it this way. For the most section, many blogs are to choose from and can be read with the general Internet population.

If you choose write a blog and what it really is a simple diary of the daily life or views, then on many blog platforms this is the simple matter of changing who can read this “journal”. Consequently you can invite people via a login code or password, and everyone cannot access your weblog. This way you could prevent others intruding upon important data.

What most bloggers want will be seen by others, and there are many reasons for blogger to own this want. Some want to make money on the blogs, and some desire to promote a website when using the power of linking in relation to their blogs. Whatever the explanation for having a public web log, most blogger forget just one major point, at least to start with: the readers who read the blogs construct y write.

A blog readers is often devoted and follow an individual from day one, or an innovative reader from another blog where you had written a comment, however they’ve come to your blog there exists one important fact in order to remember. These reader have all go to your work expecting specific things. This means that they expect good information and something considering, after they have looked at through your writing. A post that’s not too long rather than too short.

Below are three crucial point about you whilst your readers and what you should remember with each post you intend to write or have published:

- Your reader expect one to remain on topic, by this it is the reason why if you began as being a writer of “information” after which you can went on to pictures, this might cause both a lack of traffic and a loss of links.
- It is your reader which you should consider not how much money you can create on each post.
- best of all your readers are your current lifeblood, if you feel problems, ask in an open letter.

Social networking, the new marketing tool

Google recently announced that it ranked Facebook as “the number 1 website in the world” and it’s no surprise. With over 500 million users worldwide and 900 billion pieces of content served every month it’s easy to see why social networking is such an important part of today’s modern world. It’s not just an online novelty for the technically minded, it’s a social too for every day life.

For a while at least Google Adwords ruled the online marketing world, paying per click for search traffic, hoping the right kind of people looking for your product will click on your sponsored link instead of what Google deems top ranking. Online marketing used to be all about impressions, clicks and getting your banners on to ad networks. This is no longer the marketing tool of choice, social networking is the future.

Over 50% of Facebook users log in to their account every day, they interact with their friends, fan pages and interest groups. Twitter too is an every day social tool for over 200 million users. Both of these social networks (and many like them) are the new online playground. If you want to interact with the online world then these are the places to engage them.

To like and be liked

Alas, much like the blogging world, some companies just don’t grasp the fact that these networks aren’t for abusing. Randomly publishing links to your brand won’t work. Social networks are tools for socialising, if you don’t socialise how do you expect anyone to like what you’re doing? In fact to be “liked” on a social network is to succeed. People won’t do that unless they know you’re human.

Companies embracing social networks

An amazing thing has happened in the social networking world. One that opens the door to all companies wishing to embrace it. People want businesses on social networks. I’m surprised if a company doesn’t have a twitter account these days. In fact I’ve even wished some of my favourite brands did so I could not only speak to them more easily, i could recommend them to my followers. Social networkers could have easily regarded any commercial ventures as spammers only after making money by using these great online tools. For some reason this isn’t the case. Virgin Atlantic has 19,000 followers on twitter, Coca Cola has 175,000. 3.2 million people “like” the Nike Facebook fan page. Selling your products and promoting your brand on social networks is not only acceptable it’s expected!

A customer services base and promotional tool

The great thing about using social networks for online marketing is it’s hard to hide the truth. People expect you to talk to them when they mention you on twitter or write on your wall on Facebook. It’s instant access to someone within the company that’s willing to talk to them. If your service is bad people will talk about it on your fan page, if you’ve got a prize to give away you use exactly the same platform. Social networking offers a stream of data, use it well and people will love you for it.

Ignore social media at your peril

In conclusion there is no way to escape social media these days. While you pussy-foot around, your competitors are blazing a trail on social networks and building brand loyalty. Social networking isn’t a new fad, it’s here to stay and it’s where your customers are.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Easy Steps to Create A Blog

Blog can be created very easily. It can be done in simple steps. Anyone with little technical skills can maintain and create a blog. If you use Word-press blogging software you can create your blog easily.
Blogs are very popular nowadays. A blog is a website that’s normally maintained by an individual with description of events, video, graphics, or regular commentaries. The entries are displayed in the chronological and reverse order. The word “blog” can be used as a verb which means to add or maintain content to a blog.
Nowadays blogs are also used by internet marketers or companies for the promotion of their products. They make chronological entries of promotional materials and articles those are related to their products. Blogs are personal than traditional websites. While making a blog you have to use your keywords in the blog name, in the domain name, and also in the pages of the blog. You can insert ins. Ins are the software modules that add distinguishing features in your blog.
 Here are the steps of making a blog:
You have to get a domain name. You have to buy a domain name, which will cost you $10.00 for a year.
You have to get hosting for your domain. Your yearly hosting will be around $100. You have to activate the domain in your host server. If you don’t know how to do it our site  will provide you with in-depth information.
You have to download a blog. Then you have to go to c Panel and search for software services and simple script. After going to the script list a screen will open where you can choose your blog style.
Choose a formatting style that attracts you the most, though you can change it later on. Then you have to scroll down where you have to click on the domain that you chose for your blog. Now you have installed your blog.
One you have installed your blog you can view a screen with a user name and password. There you can find your blog address and log in to URL where you can do all the editing of your blog.

How to Keep Your Motivation High in Your Blogging Career

It is difficult to keep your motivation level high, I know it as I struggle with it countless of times every month in my blogging / internet marker life, even though I love internet marketing and writing. There are days that I question myself if I am doing the right thing or should I be better off doing something else, for example doing a real job or having an employer telling me what to do. So let’s explore where this anxiety comes from and how to tackle each of them one by one.

The uncertainty or the fear

This is the uncertainty of being an entrepreneur, working on your own and for yourself. Many entrepreneurs have this feeling once in a while, when they questions their goals and vision. That’s why being an entrepreneur is not the path for everyone. It’s unclear, it’s risky but also very exciting and fulfilling if you get to do what you love. This uncertainty is even bigger when you are an internet marketer or a blogger, especially if you do not think of it as a real and serious career.

The confusion

Internet marketing is not new, neither is blogging and there is no lack of information on it either. However as there are too many superficial information sources on the topic, it is difficult to know which one you can trust and which advices you should follow. This is why I have established the roadmap which I have followed in building each of my sites and this plan works. You can follow my plan to a Tee or shop around and find one from a reputable website that you feel trustworthy.

The laziness or the procrastination problem

It happens to the best of us. When you are an entrepreneur, especially an internet entrepreneur, there are tasks that even the hardest working person on Earth loathes to do. These grunt work could be keyword researching, building links to your website, signing up social media or forum profiles, etc. You dread doing these repetitive time consuming work so you keep putting it off and do something else instead.

Above are a few biggest reasons why most people who want to start an internet marketing career did not follow it through. But you don’t have to be one of the quitters. After you have learned why your motivation runs low, it’s time to tackle these little buggers and get you back on track!

Have a real business plan with goals, milestones and clear daily tasks. Make your goals concrete and measurable. For example your goal is to have 1000 unique visitors to your website per day after 3 months of working on it or ranking the first position on Google for keyword “X” after 1 month.

Read stories of people who have been successful in the same or similar areas with you. There are plenty of forums that internet marketers hang out and share their success stories and tips. You can for example register to be a member of Warrirorforum or DigitalPoint. After reading the stories, you would see that most of these people did not have an over-night success and their empire was built up after days of hard work and dedication.
Outsource the grunt work: if you feel like you can invest your time more efficiently somewhere else, hire someone to do the work you hate. You can rent a short term assistant to do a variety of tasks or use a service of a freelancer or a company for more specific work.
Have a defined amount of work hours. This is especially important if you have a day job and have to share the time with your online career. To start with, you can commit around 2-3 hours per day for your websites. The predefined time amount makes you more focused and your mind is less likely to wander as you know that this time slot is especially for this activity.
And last but not least, have a little bit of faith in yourself. Faith that you can do this, faith that you will succeed in your venture and finally live the life you have always dreamt of.

Driving Traffic To Your Site Using Low Competition Keywords

One of the best ways to advertise these days is through pay per click advertising. Done the right way, it can literally boost your site hits and even your revenue by millions. For those who understand how applications like Google Adsense works, pay per click advertising can be cost effective and just plain old effective in an overall sense.

However, if mismanaged, pay per click advertising could be extremely costly and just as ineffective. Many people who use pay per click advertising spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year for clicks that don’t go through . What’s the difference between those who use pay per click advertising effectively and those who do not?

One of the major things you can do to up your success rate (and lower your costs) when it comes to pay per click advertising is to go for low competition keywords. For example, a very high competition keyword might be “car.” This is the most common word that comes to mind when people think of motorized vehicles, so the cost of “buying” this keyword for pay per click purchases is very high. Any time somebody clicks on that ad that’s targeting the word “car,” the cost to the company putting out the ad is quite high.

For bigger businesses, this might be fine. However, if you’re a smaller car dealership, you might have better luck going for “auto,” which is a synonym for “car” yet a keyword with a lower competition level. These words will still show up when potential customers are doing searches (most people who are searching for “car” will likely search for “automobile”), and even if the event that the customer doesn’t search for “auto,” the keyword is related to “car.” Google and other search engines understand the magic of synonyms, and you could get included in a search for “car” even if you didn’t buy the keyword!

Using low competition keywords is a great way to get a lot of attention for much less money. When you sign up for pay per click advertising, be sure to do some research first and come up with commonly searched for terms that are lower competition. Don’t just go for the most obvious words – while it might seem that this would get you more advertising bang for your buck, remember that you’ll be paying out considerably more bucks for what might not even be a worthwhile bang.

In following articles, we talk about the best routes of finding these low competition keywords that will help you keep costs down while boosting site viewership. It might sound too good to be true, but effective pay per click advertising is a great way to get the attention of niche markets – and it doesn’t have to be expensive!

Tag It Right When Blogging

Although surpassed in popularity by the latest media technique, podcasting, blogging is still considered as a highly profitable opportunity that you shouldn’t miss out on. Most probably, you already know what a blog is and how to create great blog content. Most probably, you’re also aware of how to profit from blogs. But do you know about making and using the right tags to improve the look and profitability of your blog?

A Simple Definition for Tags
A tag, depending on the purpose it serves, can be a set of words that will increase search engine rankings or improve the layout or format of your blog.

These tags have both beginning and ending tags and enhance the appearance of your blog. Its basic format frequently makes use of “< >” and “</ >” to indicate the start and end of a tag.

Fonts – Some html tags are mainly used to change types and specifications of fonts. With the right tag, you can change the font from Verdana to Times New Roman, increase the font size, change the font color, and make the words appear in italics or bold.

Links – The “a href” link can make a word or an image into a link that could open a new tab or window featuring another page or site.

Headings – Give emphasis to the headings of your paragraphs with these tags.

Images – You can change the alignment or size of the images in your website with such tags.

Tips on Making the Right Tags to Obtain SEO for Your Blog
Thanks to the web search engine Technorati, almost all blog users now rely on the strengths of tags to increase the rankings of their blogs. Tags work the way the classification system of a library functions; it helps blog owners have their entries categorized correctly and according to their own preferences while aiding the readers in gaining access to the most relevant blogs according to their search specifications.

There are no inflexible rules when it comes to choosing the right tags for your blog posts. You can be both creative and practical at the same time. Besides choosing keywords or topics to describe your entry, you can also include unfamiliar phrases just as long you feel it’s still related to your entry.

You can also enlist your blog in sites like Delicious, which allows people to use highly descriptive tags for their blogs.

Friday, 25 November 2016

How to Generate Traffic to your Photoblog

You have always loved taking beautiful pictures – in your travels, at home, on the subway, even in the ugliest, most depressing places you’ve been to, you find yourself able to take stunning and meaningful pictures. And while you have no intentions of pursuing a career in photography, every now and then you wish for a bit of an audience for your pictures. To your delight, you have recently discovered that with the internet, you can easily get an audience for your photographs by putting up a photoblog.

A photoblog is basically like a regular blog, only instead of mainly using text and writing to publish posts, a photoblog author uses his photographs to tell stories and communicate emotion. It is a powerful tool of communication, but at the same time, it is also a great way for budding photographers and photography enthusiasts to share their pictures to a global audience.

It took you all of ten minutes to set up your photo blog, and pretty soon you were posting your photographs. Weeks pass and you continue to post your pictures, religiously updating your photoblog. You soon realize, however, that your blog isn’t getting a lot of traffic, and the audience that your photoblog is getting, is you and the few clicks of your friends and family. But you want a bigger audience – you want to share your pictures to the world, and you can only do it by increasing traffic to your blog. How do you do that, you ask? Read on to get some tips on how to increase traffic to your photoblog.

The best way to get traffic to your photoblog is to toin a Photoblog Network. A photoblog network, much like a blog network, is a group of photoblogs that share web traffic and hits amongst its members. The photoblog network also serves as a place where you can get your photoblog listed among other photoblogs. To join a photoblog, all you have to do is fill out a form and provide a link on your site to the network’s main address, and you’re all set. is a website that provides resources for photobloggers. On this site, you can get your photoblog listed in their directory, providing opportunities for visitors to click on over to your site. You can also browse through the directory to search for other photoblog sites that you as a photography enthusiast may find interesting.

By joining a photoblog network, not only are you promoting your website to other like-minded individuals, you are also able to satisfy your interest in photography by seeing the work of others. So search the internet for all the photoblog networks you can find, and sign up.

4 Top Blogging Tools: Which is Which?

Back when, blogs were just online journals that teeny-boppers use to air their daily angst. Now, blogging has also captivated the world of business promotion. Presenting one’s products or services has never been more easy and creative through blogging. A plethora of blog applications are ready for the taking. Some are offered for free while some will cost you some moolah. Get an idea of what these various blogging tools have to offer before you jump in the blogging bandwagon for any reason that prompts you to do so.

Kinds of Blogging Software

Learn about these blog applications that are either free or paid or both. Know which is tailored to cater to your needs or your business’ needs:


This blog is available in free and hosted variety. Blogger or Blogspot, which was recently modified by Google, is one of the oldest blog platforms around. Newbies in the world of blogging can benefit greatly from Blogger’s easy-to-use formats. The drawback of this tool is it can’t be easily customized. Knowledge of CSS and HTML is required before you can effectively re-arrange your blog site.


Intermediate to advance bloggers will definitely benefit from the many features of WordPress. It is one of the well-upgraded blogging platforms with all the plug-ins and user-friendly interface it boasts about. One can either avail of its free version or its paid hosting type. User support is excellent with WordPress. Also, with the hundreds of WordPress themes for various versions, one can easily find a new blog face that can be easily customized and that will suit one’s mood and business theme.

Movable Type

Six Apart’s Movable Type is one of the most popular blog publishing applications. However, this is for the more advanced types of bloggers as the customization of this platform is rather more difficult compared to other blog tools.

Expression Engine

pMachine’s Expression Engine is relatively unheard of. But its users label it as one of the most versatile blog tools around. Besides the usual functions and features of a blog application, Expression Engine also includes modules that organize mailing lists and image galleries. With Expression Engine, image editing while blogging is made possible.

With blogging, online promotion of various businesses and endeavors has become more facilitated. It is imperative that one explores his options on which blogging tool to use to enjoy more this privilege.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

FeedYourPosts REVIEW – Automatic For The People – User Generated Web Content

If there is one thing that people are being told to do with our websites is to add new content. Although this is easy said, how will you add quality useful content regularly? Most smaller businesses is one or a couple companies who’re trying to fit everything in all at the same time. Adding an internet page every day for their website is real hard work and sadly isn’t seen as a business priority.
If you’re stuck within this rut and haven’t updated your site for a while, it might be time to add some user generated content facilities.
User generated content to put it simply, is allowing your site visitors to add their content for your site. It might be some feedback on the product or review. It could be a posting on your website forum. What about letting visitors post articles to your site or letting them add themselves for your business directory?
Can you observe how this can raise the interactivity of the website and reveal that it is constantly being updated? Search engines like google particularly like a constantly updated website. The greater you update, the more often they will send their search engine spiders and crawlers to talk to your site.
Don’t misunderstand me though, there’s still a bit of work to do, you’ll have to manage and approve what submissions are to become put live but an hour approving 20 or 30 pages of new completely unique content must be a good thing. Are you able to think how long it will take to create that amount of content? Twenty to thirty hours if you write as slowly as me!
Okay , so what can I actually do to add some User Generated Content to my Site?
Here are some ideas for content generation. Where possible I have also added links to get some free scripts that you can use.
Article Content
You could allow users to submit articles to your site. You could then begin using these on your website or newsletter. Having a large selection of articles rated for your specific niche is an extremely positive thing and supply your visitors with a few great content and a fresh perspective. You can advertise for Authors or ask others in your industry. Experts could sign themselves up with an account and begin article marketing. You’d adjust need to spend a couple of minutes approving or declining before publishing.
One thing that gets a site interactive quicker than other things is the addition of a Forum or Bulletin Board. Giving Visitors a platform to go over your products, services and marketplace in general is a superb way to build traffic. Some sites even use a facility to build and send out newsletters for their registered users based on their Forums.
While not as popular anymore, there’s nothing stopping you utilizing a Guestbook to drive more content to your site. Ask people to stop by and leave a comment.
Make sure you police it though! You might find your web hosting comes complete with a GuestBook Script. You can use GuestBooks in many different ways, just because it’s a Guest Book Script does not mean you need to use it as such. You could utilize it to post site updates or product info snippets. You could use it to develop Testimonials.
Comment Scripts
With the advent of Blogs came the ability to leave a comment on your posts which helped build this content in your site. Now, you will find scripts around that you could add to your site pages, such as article or product review pages, and allow visitors to leave comments. This then implies that your pages are changing constantly and a changing page is as good as a new page for that search engine spiders.

Become a Blog Pro: Some Professional Blogging Tips

The first time you set up your own blog, your only intention was to start a new hobby – something that would keep you busy during long, insomnia-filled nights or slow, lazy days at the office. You didn’t care about blog traffic and how many readers your posts got. You wrote and posted only for your own fulfilment.

You soon came to realise, however, that a handful of people have come to discover your blog, and what they saw and read, they liked. You discover that your blog is getting a constant increase in hits as well as a steady set of visitors every week. This, in your opinion, was a very interesting development that had potential.

The potential was in advertising. While surfing for other blogs you notice that a lot of them have ads put up in their sites. You do a little research to find that you too can put up ads on your sites, so that you can earn a little extra cash with your blog.

With the success of your blog came a brilliant, albeit extreme, idea – why not quit your job to become a professional blogger? Your blog’s already getting a lot of hits anyway, it seems to have the right formula for a successful blog, why not ride on its good points in order to make it something bigger?

But before you storm out your office cubicle to walk to your boss’s corner office to slap him in the face with your resignation, sit back, and understand the possible implications of becoming a professional blogger. Read on to get more info on what professional blogging really is, and how you can succeed through it.

How do you succeed with professional blogging? Read on for some tips.

1. Decide what you want to blog about. With professional blogging, it’s best that you write about a particular subject, say, fishing, so that all your articles and advertisement revolve around that major subject. While it might be tempting to just write about your everyday occurrences, it may not work in getting a strong, steady reader base. But with a specific subject to blog about, you can be sure to get a group of steady surfers clicking over to your site.

2. Advertise your blog! Join blog networks, set up posts on forums, put your blog’s address in the signature on your every email. This way, more readers will know about your blog.

It’s also important to know that professional blogging isn’t a “get rich quick” scheme. It may sound easy, making money by just typing on your computer at home, but it also takes a lot of work, and you must be ready for that.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Quick Two Ways for Successful Blog

Blogging is a well-known medium that people now uses to get traffic to their site and even can build up a good income. There are some techniques that will increase the results in your business that are easier to obtain. One important thing about blogging is that you don’t have to spoil your efforts on maintenance. As for example, if you have your own website and if you want to update it the new content, you must open your website editor software, you can update your article template, then you have to adjust the webpage, and then you can publish the website.

If you have your own blog all the above steps can be eliminated. You have to log in into your blogging account, put the new content, and then publish it. The layout is formatted automatically, you don’t have to search the webpage and becomes very easy for the blogger.

Blogging is a great opportunity to build a solid business specially if you drive a lot of traffic to your blog. Some blogging tactics will help you to make your blog quite easy and simple and even will help you to earn money.

Post Daily: Many of them like to post once or twice a week. If you want your blog to take ahead, you need to post it daily. Some people everyday post one blog. They work for every 10 minutes on their blog. If you want to make your blog simple even you can also do the same thing. Posting daily is a great way to keep your users informed about new updates and information. Readers always want to stay updated about the fashionable and modern trends in the market. So posting updated contents will be a wsonderful way to get the trafic back to your site and you can grow your income.

Get the traffic: Traffic is very simple if you think about it. If you want to make your blog successful you have to get a lot of traffic. If you have a lot of money, then you can gain a lot of traffic. You have to spend your money to advertise for traffic. If you don’t have so much of money you will have to do free marketing. There are lot of ways to get free traffic. You can have blogging everyday, videos, forums, social marketing, and even artcle syndication.

Wants To Know How to Make Money Online Blogging?

Make money online blogging is a topic that has enjoyed a wide research. To make money online is the dream of every blogger. If you have found it hard to get a good tutorial on how to achieve that, this article was written just for you.

To make money online blogging, the following five basic steps need to be followed:

Get yourself a blog:
If you desire to make money online blogging, then you need to get yourself a blog that will make you money for life. This blog will now serve as your base, your home or your office where you will be receiving all your visitors. Getting a blog is not hard. Go HERE and read a simple guide on how to do so.

Write good contents on your blog:
Once your blog is up and running, the next thing to do is to put good content on your blog. Remember, your visitors are seeing you as an expert and therefore, you must live up to their expectation. When writing, look into your past experiences, your expertise and compare all with present day realities. Use the information to write posts that are very informative.
If your contents are unique and excellent, you will witness an inflow of repeated readers and from their constant visitation lies a link to make money online.

Connect with wide range of people:
Immediately you start posting valuable contents on your blog, it is advisable you start building sincere relationship with people of like minds through the use of social media. You also build relationship by commenting on forums, other blogs in the same niche and so on.
Research your niche, find where those who will be needing the information on your blog are and reach out to them. Help them solve basic problems through your articles, be friendly with them and they will keep coming back for more.

Enter new frontiers and explore other possibilities:

With quality contents on your blog, people will start seeing you as an expert in your niche. To keep this going on, engage in qualitative research in your chosen niche so that every new article will be a hit.  When you achieve the above, your blog will become an authority in your niche, it will gain more exposure and trust among readers. People will see the blog as a hub of quality information.
Now, a soon as your achieve an expert status, you can now explore other means to make money online, using your blog as a platform. Don’t restrict yourself, you can do so many other things such as Public speaking, Coaching and other related activities using the success you have achieved with your blog as springboard.
But please don’t rush, build a trust with your readers first and the money will come flowing.

Find various ways to make money online with your blog and implement them:
The whole essence of owning a blog is to make money. To make the money, you have to learn how it is done professional by top bloggers around the world. Learn the various ways, try them and discover the once that best work for you and stick to them.
To this end, I will teach you various ways you can earn money online using your blog.

Before going into that, I will like to give you a FREE e-book that will teach you how to be making about $400 daily into your paypal account doing simple things you never thought could make you money. To get this information FREE of charge, Click HERE or the image below, fill the form, submit and you are on the way of making lots of money daily.

Internet Marketing Strategy – Niche Marketing

If you haven’t figured it out already, when starting your internet business, picking a niche is critical.  Go too broad and you won’t be able to afford to reach anyone.  Go to narrow and you won’t have enough customers to make money.   Internet Marketing allows you to cost effectively reach lots of customers, but still, picking a niche is key.  And now I will get personal.
When I stated my second internet business, GirlMogul, I wanted to sell girl power t-shirts.  I was inspired by an idea, but I did some research – there was no one else selling girl power t-shirts and there are lots of girls who wear t-shirts.  Slam dunk, right?  Not quite.  The lack of competition should be your first indicator when picking a market.  Competition is good – it means people are making money.  It’s not your job to break open a new market – it’s expensive and time-consuming – especially for a mom who is looking to start a profitable business to make extra money.
Secondly, think big.  With my third internet business I thought health and wellness – it’s a market with tons of competition, but it’s also huge.  And the people who tend to buy one health and wellness product tend to buy more.   Repeat buyers.  For me to be successful I only need to capture a few “customers”.
So when you’re thinking of your internet marketing strategy, the first place to start is to decide what area you want your online business to be in – don’t worry so much about products yet – instead look at broad categories.  Think about what you’re interested in – cooking, gardening, reading, parenting, automotive repair, home decorating, house projects…or any other hobby you might have – running, lacrosse mom, wrestling mom, etc – list them all out.
Why?  Because your internet marketing strategy will be based on you becoming something of an expert in your niche – you will be spending a lot of time in this market so you better like it.

The Skinny on Video Blogging

Blogs from being simple online journals to business tools have touched many sectors in the online community. Now, with them helping online marketers reach new levels, another form of blogging has surfaced – video blogging.

An Intro to Vlogging

It was in 2005, when the Yahoo! Video Blogging community has surged dramatically in number that commenced the popularity of video blogging. What was theoretically known as what have influenced the trend in video blogging is the increase in number of the products that facilitate this new form of blogging – the iPods. Apple Computer produced these iPods as portable media players, which can play both audio and video files.

A video blog also known as a “vlog” contains video clips. Usually, video bloggers or vloggers update their vlogs with video content in a reverse chronological arrangement. The usual setup of a video blog include a link to a video, images, and some supporting texts and other data.

Why Vlog?

Vloggers have various reasons on what prompt them to engage into video blogging. It may be a form of self-expression and to harness one’s creativity; it may be a way to utilize to promote one’s services or products; it could be a way to document certain procedures or events; it could also be one’s method of communicating education or a means to get in touch with family, relatives, friends clients and business partners.

One concrete practical use of vlogging to propagate one’s business is that of a real estate agent. To update potential clients in terms of the condition of the real estate’s development, a video blog entry that showcases the property will be of just great help. No face-to-face meeting is required; time, energy and gas saved, right?

Equipment to Get You Started with Vlogging

Here are the types of equipment required to come up with a video blog:

- A computer with a broadband Internet connection or at least a high-speed dialup connection will facilitate the uploading and downloading of the video clips. A computer with minimum of 1.0 GHz processor, 512 RAM memory, and an approximate of 40 gigs of hard drive space will do it.

- A video camera, a web cam, or a digicam with video shooting abilities or just about any multi-media device for capturing your videos, even a cellphone with that feature will do.

- A software for editing your videos before posting it in your video blog through Internet connection is also required. Free video editing software abound. One can also search for websites that offer this service for free.

With those devices and a little creativity, you’ll easily get the hang of the vlogging technology. Have fun!

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Tuesday, 22 November 2016

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Learn Blog affiliate marketing and affiliate programs work

Affiliate marketing (or affiliate) is one of the ways available to us to try to monetize a web page or blog, thanks to that today many companies have their own affiliate programs (or affiliation).

That is, if you thought that only the Google AdSense advertising platform facilitated you earn income on your blog, it is time that these developments outdated ideas.

Today, in addition to sales of information products and digital products (the subject of which more later), there is also the possibility of designing a strategy of affiliate marketing you provide more revenue online.
But what is affiliate marketing or affiliate? How do these programs work basically affiliate?

These are two very good questions, for, although I would answer them myself, I thought it would be a much better idea to invite a professional with more knowledge and skills on this very interesting subject.

Almost all the secrets of affiliate marketing and its programs “Explained for beginners”

My grandmother who is well born to be grateful, so before you start I want to thank a friend for letting me “talk” of this affiliation.

That said, unlike the bollicaos with chocolate at the end, it is always best to start at the beginning. So I’ll tell you what this affiliate marketing and how it works.

What is affiliate marketing?

The “official” definition could well be this that gives us our beloved Wikipedia, mistress of the world of definitions on the Internet:
“Affiliate marketing is a part of digital marketing is mainly based on the achievement of certain results or actions”
Blogs or websites, called affiliates, is responsible for promoting merchants and businesses (Trade shops online or advertisers) by posting banners, advertisements or promotions. These affiliates earn on a commission if the user comes from its website and performs a certain action (clicking on a banner, register or buy) that favors those advertisers.

For there to affiliate marketing it takes several things:

A salesman: the person who sells or provides a service. To make it easier, in the real world (1.0) could be the butcher of my neighborhood.

A product or service: this is what the seller sells or offers. Ie, that might be the pork chops selling butcher in my neighborhood.

A buyer: the person buying the product (or service contracts). Following the example, could be my mother buying chops in the delicatessen.

A middleman: the person who advertises the product or service and gets buyers to the original vendor. If my mother has bought those chops there is because I recommended; the butcher’s has sold thanks to me.

The grace of affiliate marketing is precisely the role of the intermediary in all this, because it has helped the seller to find potential customers.

And in all this where it fits membership marketing?

Very simple, marketing is the set of strategies that I used to get my mother to buy the chops in the delicatessen and not another:

I can tell you there have the best meat in the whole neighborhood.
If you buy 1kg of chops in the deli, I gift 1 €. So instead of 4 € I earn € 3, which remain more than 0 €.
Anywhere that they will try as well as in the deli.
You can pay chops another day if it is better.
That I myself have tried and I can vouch for their quality and taste. etc.

If we now translate this to the world 2.0, we can find the affiliate marketing, for example, in an article in a blog that recommends a hosting or hosting (this is one of the most common examples on the Internet);

The seller is the company that sells the hosting.
The product: the web host or hosting company offering.
The buyer: the blog reader who decides Acquire hosting recommends that the article you are reading.
The intermediary (or affiliate) is the author of the article you are recommending the hosting of the selling company and therefore a commission for every reader who buys a hosting because it will be.
NO What is affiliate marketing?

You know what it is, but now I want to leave very clear what is NOT affiliate marketing.

To do this I will discuss 3 ideas I most read by the network and each razonarte to leave it clear:

Not just to get a sale

This is where there are more doubts. Affiliate marketing does not have to be only an act of sale.

Indeed many companies give commissions for many different types of “actions” and define it as Cost Per Action (CPA). Can be a sale, fill out a registration form or survey, installation of a mobile application or website, etc.

It is not just affiliate link.

Many believe that just put a link in your articles and you’re done. Nope. Muchíiiiisimas that people do in their blogs and do not get even a measly click on that link.

In addition, the link is one of many other forms that exist for the seller knows that the client “is on your side.” There are other formats such as codes, bonuses test, etc.

It is not recommending any product in any way.

Or maybe, it could be, But that the one you’d be fooling is yourself, because people are not stupid.

When you see that what you recommend is not as good as you say, your credibility will be dashed. Good luck from then, because you may not get to win a single euro more with affiliate programs.

It is not easy to make money method.

Forget about it, because affiliate marketing strategy itself requires time and effort. As I said before, it is not just about putting a link and you’re done, you also have quite gigs.

You have to convince potential customers to buy a product and for that many times he will build on the confidence that you inspire him. I do not know what you opinarás, but I am one who believes that trust must be earned gradually.

Advantages and disadvantages of using affiliate marketing or affiliate in your blog / website

Oh friend! It is that it is not gold that glitters, and of course affiliate marketing has its good things and bad things.

You’ll have to learn to value yourself if you worth carry out in your blog or not. Therefore I leave here the pros and cons of these strategies:
Advantages of affiliate marketing

You can generate passive income “just” recommending a product that sells another company.
If you have recommended a service that charges the customer on a recurring every X time, you can also generate recurring income.
You can recommend almost any product without having to “tie” to any company.
Recommend products to people is satisfied can increase your impact and confidence in you.

Disadvantages of affiliate marketing

It takes time and effort, so it is a strategy that results in the medium and long term (as appropriate, of course).
Recommend products in exchange for a commission may repel your readers. Many do not like to be “bands” anything.
Misuse or a bad choice of product or service can make you lose credibility and trust you. Be careful what you recommend!
Act as an intermediary between buyer and seller can to convince customers that also encargarás you to manage your complaints or problems with this product (with the inconvenience this may cause us).

And where noses get one of those affiliations?

Wait, wait, because before starting should take account of what product or service best fits your blog and style of reader you have.

If your blog you usually write poems, I think not recommend selling pet products every success … But perhaps recommend the products of a bookstore yes it has.

On this basis, I will give you three ideas so that you can find the affiliate program that best suits your blog.

Affiliate networks
An affiliate network is certainly the easiest way to start. Basically there are websites that serve as a meeting point between companies that agree to pay commissions and users who want to join them.

Take a look at the comparison of affiliate networks that have been made in, a specialized web around this issue and not wasted.
Watch Out! Because in recent years there have been more affiliate networks to Gremlins in a pool, so I recommend that you only have in mind which to campaign for your country, using your same coin and that the payment is the most confidence wake you up.
How does an affiliate network works?

Each is different, but all have a common clear basis:

You check in at the platform. Some will also ask your tax identification number so you will not forget to pay your taxes.
Looking for companies or affiliate programs that offer to sign them.
The company normally will facilitate selections “resources” as the HTML code, images or links that you can use on your website.
Once placed on your website, the “magic” of the marketing strategy you should take to people click (or action that is) begins.
On the website of the platform you can see statistics for clicks received and those who have completed the action for which you pay commissions.
Collect commissions collected actions and have a drink to my health.

You must be clear that the “cost” to find companies that easily on a network affiliate, is that this part of the commission that you get and you will thus earn less.
2- Affiliate Programs

I mean those who directly provide the companies with no one in between, such as an affiliate network.

More and more companies choose to create their own affiliate programs, because with it the cost of network affiliation and that difference can be used (for example) to pay more for their members are saved.

In this case how difficult is to find companies that offer their own affiliate programs, but it is not so difficult.

A good trick or a simple way to find affiliate programs is to search directly in Google:
“Affiliates + ”

Another way could also be:
“Membership + ”

You can also go directly to the website of the company that you have already in mind and see if they have their own program.

Most often put a link at the end of its web to access it.

How an affiliate program works own company?

Again, each one is different, but generally tend to have this operation:

You check in the program from the company website. Some also will ask your tax identification number.
Typically, you provide “resources” as the HTML code, images or links to use on your website.
You put the “resources” on your website and you can already pummeling your affiliate marketing strategy for the “action” you have asked the company for you to take a commission (usually a sale or subscription).
On the website of the company or the affiliate program you will see the statistics of clicks received and which have resulted in such action. Mind you, not all companies offer these statistics.
Cobra commissions you have earned and again have a drink to my health.
How would your own store affiliated with a merchant?

You could do your own shop to sell other products. I’ll give you an example:

You find a (physical or virtual) store that offers very good products but has little visibility and does not sell anything.
The merchant propose to sell their products in a website (or online store) you do yourself and at the same price (more expensive not, that’s what is already the Drop Shipment, and is not the same).
Orders placed on your website will go directly to the merchant. You have just mounted the virtual showcase.
Negotiate with the merchant a commission for every order that comes from our site.
The merchant probably prefer to give that commitment not to sell anything (well, he has no fixed costs, only pay commission if a product is sold).
This way you you mount your own online business, which will sell third-party products, rather than having to refloat under its terms the merchant’s shop. He sells more and You take commissions, of course. :) Everybody wins!

No doubt this option is the most difficult of all, because it involves a lot more work and it’s not easy to find companies or traders who understand the business and accept the proposal.
4 Important Recommendations for affiliate marketing strategy of your website or blog
You think you know what affiliate marketing is and how it is used?

But wait, wait lion, I’ll give you some very important recommendations before you cast you to the inhospitable savannah:
1) recommends only that makes sense to your blog

This is very important. Your readers have come to your blog for your content, so it makes no sense to offer them something that has nothing to do.

Another good option is to find a very good product and set up a blog related to it. Then learn this guide to create a blog and start generate content associated with that product.
2) recommends only quality stuff

And this really is up to you; up to you if you want to create an “anonymous” blog and recommend trash or use the impact of your personal best to recommend only the best.

Of course I always recommend the second option, because it is also the most effective.
3) EYE You pay commissions

It seems obvious, right? Well I assure you there are many companies like hosting provider alligator say pay much and then in the end always “no problem”.

Seeks the views of companies that actually pay, without delay, and if it is in your own currency, the better.
4) Have the actions statistics

It is highly recommended that you have access to some kind of statistic to show you the conversion ratio, usually in 2 phases:

The number of readers who have just clicking for example on your affiliate link.
The number of referrals from that link readers finally finished performing the action, for example a purchase.

The first phase you can measure on your page or blog. The second phase usually can only measure the company you’re affiliated.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Easy Steps To Setting Up My Blog

When I finally decided that I was going to document my progress I wanted to get everything set up really quickly and get going.  The problem was that when I had built sites a few years ago I always had someone else do it for me, so I had no idea how to get started!

I knew that I would be using WordPress but that was as far as my knowledge went!  Luckily for me my mentor had something that would solve that problem, WordPress Mastery Video Series!  Seriously, I have no idea if I would have been able to get everything done so quickly (I think) had I not had the videos to guide me through.

Once I had decided on my domain name, which took me almost a day to settle on, I hadn’t got the videos or anything and went through to the help desk at Hostgator to help me get things set up and running.  My domain name was with NameCheap and I had to set up all the nameservers etc and although it was nerve racking, I got it done.

Hostgator were spot on through the whole process and have a great support desk.  Once I had the WordPress tutorials though in the ‘bonus’ section there are videos that guide you through domain name set up!  It would have been a total breeze if I’d had them.

Once I had the tutorials everything became really simple.

Within the hour I had WordPress installed and that included watching the videos!  Once I logged into my blog I saw a notice telling me that my WordPress install was outdated and I needed to update it.  It was just a click of the button and it did it for me, WordPress is now my new best friend!  It’s really important to keep your blog install updated (and also the plugins too) as it can leave you vulnerable to attacks from nasty hackers and such.

My mentor (Kelly Stone) had sent me a list of important changes to make and a list of plugins that the site would need (yes, there was a video for these too) to get installed and running.

Update Core WordPress Install (if needed)
Change Permalinks
Install Plugins
Find/Install Theme
Create About/Contact/Legal Pages
Write 1st Post
Each one of these came with instructions so I’ve had a massive help understanding the why/hows etc.  Although I have a long way to go to fully understand everything, it’s all a learning curve.

The update was done so I moved onto the permalinks.  By default, WordPress uses a rather ‘ugly’ structure.  By changing the permalinks it not only ‘looks’ better, it has SEO benefits by having more of your ‘keywords’ in the urls.

It’s also a really good idea to do this part straight off as you can end up with a real headache changing an established blog as you could end up with lots of ‘page not found’ errors etc.

Using the /%category%/%postname%/ structure is perfect for SEO and it looks much nicer for readers who find you in the search engines.  (There is a video in the WordPress Tutorials showing you all this too.)

Next I moved onto the plugins and on here, so far I am running:

Platinum Seo
Google Anylitics
JV Press Go Pages
Google XML Sitemaps
RSS Footer
Sexy Bookmarks
Subscribe To Comments
WP Super Cache
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
Each of them do important jobs that WordPress doesn’t do by itself or if it does, these make it better/easier for users to control/use.

Finding a theme was a really hard choice and took me hours.  I wanted it to be perfect and this is something that I had been warned about.  “Never spend hours trying to be perfect – get on and do something that you can learn from!” is what my mentor told me.  Regardless, it took me ages to find what I was looking for.

I settled on this theme (Woo Theme) because I liked the look of it on  I wish that I could say something more about it but the truth is I wanted to get a premium theme to make my blog look more professional and Woo Themes have a great reputation.

Watching the videos meant that getting it all set up was a total breeze which I am pleased about because I have heard horror stories about people losing all the work and stuff when they changed themes.  It’s vital to back up your blog regularly to avoid situations like that.

Write A Great Blog

You must love your blogs. They will help you in search engines and thus will help with SEO and sales. Writing blogs is an amazing process. Whether they are simple, short or long, or more detailed articles blogs can be a difficult obstacle to overcome.
Many of you will get stuck in a form of writer’s block, or start wasting your time while searching for perfection which will prevent the creativity process. There are few tips that will depict how to write blog.
You must remember that your blog must attract the reader.
You must not forget your narrative voice. It will be best if you narrate in a conversational way, rather than to be formal. You should not imitate someone else or any other author. Do not try to switch styles, stick to your voice. There must be consistency in style in your blog. This will help you to trust between online viewers and your readership. Your writing style will make you original. If you don’t carry on with the same style, it will affect the integrity of your writing. People want to hear you only. So you have to be confident and honest about this.
You must know how to write a blog. Write it in such a way that it will not make people bore. Unnecessarily you don’t have to use the sophisticated style but it must be concise. No one wants trawl through details of descriptions. If you want to write more information, then you have to draft a copy, and then edit the important points only, or you can extend it to 2 to 3 blogs. It will help you to post writings easily and you can provide with the vital informations.
You must remember why you are writing a blog. If you can’t decide what to say it is best to leave it for a few days. You must not force a blog when the content is not there. You must wait until what you say is worth saying which will lead to failure of your readership. If tit’s taking a longer time to complete your blog you must not rush into it. It is better to post your content later but you must be happy with what you have produced.
In the content layout, paragraphs must be written logically and include sub headings if it’s necessary. Your reader must understand 100% on what you are showing or saying. Therefore, neatness is very important. Writings must be correct without any grammatical or spelling errors. There must not be any chunky, large paragraphs or long sentences. Title and sub headings must be underlined. Try to make it such a way that readers can read it easily and can commit to it.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Useful Blogging Tips

Blogs are very big. Putting up a blog on the Internet doesn’t have any assurance that anyone will see it. You must generate traffic to your blog. Building a blog for the company’s marketing, there are several techniques and tools to adorn your visibility in search engines and promote the company’s services and offers.
Four important tips that will take your blog to the next level are:
Usability: The essential priority for every client is to have a good experience when visiting your blog and can easily find the information whatever he/she needs. You must select a design on your own that will fit your company brand and must organize it’s structure in such a way that all the important informations are visible.
Speed: If you have a company blog that loads fast you can boost in your search engines. Google helps in speed and is trying for years to make the websites load faster. The speed optimization of the blog is essential. The good techniques that can be used are image compressions, content delivery networks, removal of flash elements, and caching.
Content: Unique content is most important factor for the blog’s success. You can use PR departments and in-house marketing and encourage the visitors to share them in social networks. Vital content will reach you to new clients and will build up the company’s reputation.
Provide anything useful: If you promote your offers again and again, it may not be very useful and effective. You have to create guides, tools, and widgets and must provide the information that will be useful to the client. As it will increase the company’s reputation , it will also bring back your visitors.
Building a blog that has all the songs listed along with the lyrics is also very useful. You can also have a blog that has the videos. You can have another blog that speaks about our personal lives. You can have a time line blog where you can go through the important dates in history such as dates of concerts, song releases, etc.
Optimizing for providing information, usability, and speed that is useful is the steps for building a blog successfully.

Domain Name Brand Protection

Registering a domain name is one of the most important steps in taking your business online. Registering a domain name will give you and your business an online presence. Selecting a poor domain name could be disastrous.


Domain Names – Definition:

A domain name makes up the part of the Uniform Resource Locater or “URL” as it has become known. For example, The URL is the address one types into the address bar of your favorite web browser, such as Netscape or Internet Explorer.

The ‘http://’ stands for hypertext transfer protocol’, which represents a set of rules defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that allows web servers and web browsers communicate and exchange data.

The ‘www’ within the URL indicates the server or host name within a company and distinguishes it from a companies main Internet or non-web-related servers, such as a local intranet.

A domain name (i.e. ‘yourwebsite’) is identifier for an Internet or web server from a single company or institution. For example, the ‘yourwebsite’ aspect of the URL is considered the Server’s name and the ‘.com’ is called the top level domain for the website.

Since the ‘http://’ and the ‘www.’ portions of the URL are placed in the address bar of the browser by convention – and are not generally required – this article will not discuss this further. Thus, the most important aspects of selecting a domain name are the domain name server and the top level for the website.

Domain Name

Here are the most important components of a good domain name:

Short – a good domain name should be short, concise and memorable, especially if the reader has to remember it and return back to his or her web browser some time later; too long, and the reader may forget it or misspell it and land on an error page.

Thematic – your domain name should reflect what your site is all about; let the viewer know what to expect.

Keywords – ideally your domain name should contain keyword-rich which describe your general website theme. It should be general and allow for more specific genres through your menus and navigation system. Keyword-rich domain names make for an excellent search engine optimization strategy too, which is beyond the scope of this article.

Branding – why not brand yourself and use your own name if you are an expert in a field of expertise. You could even make your company name your domain name. Your product line or brand could make your domain name.

Hyphenated – with so many good existing domain names already taken, the pressure to start adding extra words or hyphens increases. The problem with hyphens and extra words (like vs are that users may even forget to put them in or even misspell the domain name when attempting to type them in.

Easy Spelling – a good domain name should be easy to spell – best between the fourth and eighth grade level. For example, could easily be typed in as for those who cannot remember ‘i’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c’ rule. And avoiding double consonants too like the the double ‘t’ could easily be typed in three times instead of two.

Dot Com or Not?

Not all website end in the dot com extension. If your company is situated in Canada, the the dot ca or ‘.ca’ extension would be appropriate. most experts would agree that if you are doing business online, the most reputable top level domain name is still the .com extension – not to mention the most memorable extension used by web users. It is not uncommon for web surfers to type in a keyword like shoppingonline and then just add the .com extension. If your website concerns a non-profit organization the .org extension would be better as it is less likely to convey a commercial feel to any potential surfers or users.

Selecting a good domain name is a cinch when adhering to these basic steps. Following these basic tenets of domain name selection criteria will ensure your online success.

Adding e-mail subscription in Blogger Blog

The components of e-mail subscription, serve to users who visit a website can subscribe to their updates to receive them by email.

It is an essential tool for any blog or website, since it creates a direct link between its visitors and its author. When the creator of the website publishes content, it reaches all its subscribers, so that even without visiting the website will receive the article by which it can return to review the new publication.

Subscription utilities are critical to retain users with a website and maintain a more direct and close communication between the creator and his followers.
What is a component of subscription email in a web?
This is an element that is added to a web page for users who visit it can receive updates it by email.

How is a component of subscription email in a web?
On the one hand a component to the Web page that contains a presentation through which the user can enter his email address to receive site updates whenever these occur is added.

They come in many types and forms, such as in newspapers Cloud is in the right menu bar, then I present how it works:

How does a component subscription email in a web?
The inner workings of a web component subscription is possible thanks to the Blog Feed.

A Feed is a computer file constructed under standards of use for the Internet that contains the updates that are made to the contents of a website. Feed is a source of broadcast content to which customers (which can be either programs or people) who want to receive the latest changes and updates we’ve made to our web publishing subscribe.

For example, in a blog, every time we create a new post or perform an upgrade, the Feed feeds with changes to provide to all “customers”. Among those “customers” have from those who have subscribed to your updates by email, to the site map is automatically updated in the Finder webmasters tools.

In each different web systems Feed used in Blogger e.g. working with FeedBurner.

How to put a component of e-mail subscription in Blogger?

The component e-mail subscription that provides Blogger is very simple:
It simply provides a “box” for entering data and a button by which the user can automatically subscribe.

So that it can bring, follow these simple steps:

1) In the menu on the left inside Blogger, please “click” on “Design”. In design view click “Add a Gadget” to add the new component.
2) Select the gadget “followed by email”:
3) Enter the title you want to put the component, the address of your Blog Feed and finally the save button so that it is associated with your Blog.
If you do not find the address of your feed, just head in the left menu of Blogger to “Settings” and then “Other” to notice what you put in the content “Post Feed Redirect URL”:
Any questions you may have on your Blog Feed, please see: Using the Feed on Blogger.
How I can customize my subscription component Blogger email?
Daily component of the cloud is completely customized because I retouched the styles that make up the box and the button to subscribe:
The component is completely customizable.

Common SEO Mistakes

You May Be Creating These Common SEO Mistakes?
SEO can be something almost any company that has a online business or blog is aware of. The objective guiding SEO really is easy acquiring the strongest ranking on the search engines which means end up with the 1st opportunity at the desired site traffic. As straightforward as the idea is, and even as straight forward as the more standard methods of accomplishing SEO results are, quite a few website and blog owners are creating significant problems that cost them a whole lot in time and effort.
Tag: You’re It
Tags are sometimes misinterpreted , and sometimes pushed aside completely by beginning online marketers. It’s common to skip the most uncomplicated of website or blog building factors when computer programs or platforms do the making for you. When it comes to virtually all instances a site creator has meta tags stashed within the menu bar, and individuals don’t make an effort to re-define these. Because the most trusted of many of these software applications are WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get), users accomplish building their whole page using the website page windows , and as a consequence don’t think to replace the title of the saved computer file let alone all of the main tag words. Take a look at the topmost bar when you make your domain. If it reports “home” you really are really missing out on plenty of powerful SEO power. One are encouraged to change the home page name of your website to help replicate your organization or internet site name, and furthermore this name should really include your primary prime level keyword or phrase in it if at all achievable. The same thing is really correct when it comes to blogs, although these items usually tend to end up being significantly less complicated as you will be required to pick a url for nearly all scenarios right away , plus title your blog. In the instance that your blog’s hompage includes “home,” located at the the very top , or inside the actual address, learn more about insights on how you might change that to be a lot more SEO friendly.
Double Tagging
You’ll should update the webpage to mirror the company moniker featuring keywords / phrases , however you really don’t really want each single web page found on your site to actually have the matching label. You relinquish all the added SEO full advantage associated with a variety of internet pages any time they are actually all the same. You should certainly usually refrain from permitting your web pages being labeled using common names, including about, links, features etc. For illustration , in the event that you already have a website on the subject of your Arabian pony reproduction farm a simple front-page may be marked Our Famed Arabian Race horses , and yet you want your other webpages to echo the actual subject material while choosing SEO favorable tags at the same time. Besides “about,” use The notorious Arabian Reproduction Background , as an alternative to Race horses , to introduce your stock utilize items for instance Our Well-known Arabian Stallions, Arabian Mares. As an alternative to on sale title this web page Arabian show horses available , or something similar.
Non-Descript Calls to Action
One of the biggest and most usual issues has been linking to somewhat of a generic word or phrase for instance follow the link. You can find this method all of the time and it happens to be a decent motivational technique to get visitors to click on a link. The snag is in fact that site link is not going to search engine advantageous. Everyone of the links found on your website ought to take internet search engine juice. As a substitute for marking these featuring common terms , position the click this link inside the written text (bold in cases where you plan to be more assertive ) and also hyperlink to a descriptive of what you would like people to look at. As an illustration: To get more information see more at advertising and marketing guidelines which work.
The Issues with Now
Last but not least , subsequent to all of the laborious treatment , as well as consistently working your web-site probably the most popular misstep on-line marketers make is actually stopping too early. We all live life within a “Now” society. It has been that way for years , in addition the eagerness , and mandate to have the things people require automatically has been extremely ingrained within ones psyche. Of course , if this concerns SEO, you will need a little bit of energy. You’ll want to allow for the spiders to discover you, and allow ones hard worked pages, and articles time to reflect in the standings. Don’t count on website traffic to pour on your web page the morning when you submit it, even though you’ve done everything right. It can require weeks, possibly even months before there are real success from your initiatives.

How to Find a Niche Market

Before you decide what your internet business is going to sell, you need to decide what your market is.  Key bit of advice (don’t worry, I made this mistake the first time around).  Find a market of buyers on the internet before you decide what you’re going to sell.  You can find or create products once you know you have things to sell them.
First, think about how people use the internet.  Why do you go online? Entertainment, sure.  News, probably.  Finding an answer – most definitiely.  Shopping – yes.  Now think about the last two.  Everyday millions of people use the Internet to find out information – how to solve a problem they’re having, how to do something.  They use the internet for research and this is also true when people go shopping.  Typically you go to the store to browse, but when you go online to shop, you’re usually looking for something specific – you’re researching before you buy – even if you’re going to buy in the store.
Keeping in mind that when people use the internet to find solutions – whether it’s for a problem or a product will go along way in helping you pick your niche.  Your niche needs to be focused around a problem are trying to solve – whether it’s how to cure acne, lose weight or stop their child from bedwetting, or which model of camera to buy.
Say for instance you love jewelry and want to start a business in that area.  Now jewelry is too broad, but perhaps you really love making your own glass bead jewelry.  Are there lots of other people who like to do that too?  Do they have blogs, websites and forums they go to?  Arre peole who like to make and buy bead jewelry easy to find and identify on the internet?  Yes – and that is why a market niche defined like that makes sense.
Now you’re probably saying – but there are already tons of people online in the bead jewelry space – how could I make money there?  If it’s big enough market you can – you only need a small percentage of the active buyers to buy from you.  But remember – most of the people in this market might not be looking for jewelry that is already made – they’re looking for supplies, how to books, how to videos, etc.
And this is where you come in – are you an expert in this area?  Could you become one by reading a few books, taking a few more classes?  Could you start a blog about bead jewelry and put Google Adsense on there?  Could you write an e-book about how to make bead jewlery and sell it for $9?  Could you find someone else who’s already done it and sell their product as an affiliate.  Does Amazon have a lot of products about bead jewelry that you could promote, weaved into your blog content about bead jewelry?

Website To Mobile Website| My Mobile Money Pages Review

A lot of talk has been going on about turning your website to mobile website. Big businesses are jumping on this opportunity to capitalize on this massive wave of cash flow made on purchases by a mobile web site. Here is what I have found out about  the advantages of converting your website to mobile website.

Advantage of making your website to mobile website
The searches just recently gathered on mobile searches reached over 500 million searches a month on the mobile search engines. Getting your website in front of these audiences is a sure way that will will start to see profits increase in your business. The rise of smartphones have taken over the world and now your possibilities of reaching your targeted audience is even greater than before. This market will not stop and we have actually just seen the beginning of this massive take over that is happening in the world today. You can now reach your customers all around the world and not only that but having your website to mobile website gives you the opportunity of catching your customers right when they are cashing their checks as most people do their banking online. This is an ample example having your website to mobile website more important than ever.

Creating Your Own website to mobile website

I came across an awesome piece of software called My Mobile Money Pages to create your own website to mobile website in under 10 minutes. I have created quite  a few websites using My Mobile money pages and I can tell you that they are not lying. The process is quick because the site is hosted on their own servers so they time just keeps getting quicker as they keep improving the uploading time. The training and tool they have that go along with this package are amazing and helps you kick start your website off in the right foot. Here is a screen shot of what the back office of the site looks like:

As you can see there are a lot of tools and videos that will get this website to mobile website off on the right track. The whole theory being this whole system is to get relevant content to your site using a simple plug in to automate all your posts and on the relevant content that you came up with using the keyword tool provided in the back office. The system basically uses good old word press to optimize your sites and have amazon links, eBay links and click bank links to help your website integrate all these sites affiliate links make you money faster.

My Mobile Money Pages doesn't stop there! After your site is made log into their own website submitter and blast your website out to hundreds of sites and driving back links back to your website to make the process of you ranking in the top searches in the search engines and get that all loved FREE traffic.

I hope you can see the power in this software and oh I haven't even gotten around to the best part. This is the only and first software that allows you to create your website to mobile website on YOUR Smartphone, I pad and tablets.You don't need your own hosting you can use one of their domains for a sub domain but like always I suggest to get your own hosting and domain because the possibilities with your own site is endless. Now you can create websites while on the go and no more need for your desk top computer to set up these sites. And I have actually made one just on my phone.

My final conclusion about this software is that it allows you to create a website to mobile website in under 10 minutes flat. You can create websites from your smartphone,i pads, and tablets and it helps to to start your back linking right away using their tools designed for these type of website to mobile website. If you ask me you are getting a complete package here that will allow you to save money and time to make your own money web pages. So go get your software today and leave me a comment telling me if you like or don't like this website to mobile website creator

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Smooth Financial Anniversary gifts Since A price Printing Company

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Need An Idea On How to Start a Blog That Makes You Money for Life?

How to start a blog that makes you money for Life is very easy if you follow some simple procedures. Some of these procedures are what I will be talking about in this article.

Why do you need to start a blog?

In the past, online marketing is a very expensive game. You have to have a high advertising budget in order to spread the word about your products or services online. Today, anyone with a blog, either an individual or a large company has the ability to reach a large number of people at very little or no cost. That alone opens another flood gate of wealth creation through online advertisement. This and many more to come will address how to start a blog that makes you money.

Basic Steps On How to Start a Blog That Makes You Money for Life

Brainstorm Ideas.
Register a domain.
Choose a blogging platform.
Start your blog.
Design your blog.
Start blogging!

Step 1: Brainstorm Ideas
Here, you need to brainstorming and deciding on what you want to blog is the first point in the right direction. If you are part of an established business, company or organization, all you have to do is to relate your blog to the product(s) or service(s) you or your organisation is providing, or the cause you promote.
However, if you are an individual, this is a bit technical. You have to pay a good attention to your choice of topics.  You should look at the following items below in deciding what you want to blog about:

Is it a niche you enjoy discoursing about?
Is it about a particular thing you enjoy doing?
Is it something you have a lot of knowledge about?
Is it something that gives room for wide and collective discursions?

It should be noted that the primary goal for any blog is to become the go-to resource or a bank of expert knowledge for its topic or niche.

Step 2: Register a good domain name:

A domain name is the identity of a particular website/blog. Ia good domain name is very vital to the success of your website. The following are the things to consider:
The Basics: The basic things you should look for in a good domain name is that it should be short, it should be catchy and memorable. It should be easily spelled and pronounceable by all!

Some Silent Rules to Take Note of: Avoid buying a domain name that is too similar to competing domain names. Ensure that you avoid violating someone else’s trademark.

”.COM” – The”.com” domain is the most popular top-level domain and should be the first to be considered when registering any domain name. It should also be noted that good domains with .com are sometimes hard to find. Therefore, if your products or services are country specific or if your primary focus is a particular a specific country, then you can register your domain with that country’s specific domain. E.g. .us, and so on.

Research-based or Brand-based domains: Here, the domain you style you choose depends on your strategy. If you intend to rely on traffic specifically from Search engines, then it is here advised that you should register domain names using real words and phrases like such that when people search for the that phrase, it will help your website increase in search ranking. However, if your marketing efforts is focus on paid search listing, banner adverts and buzz building, then you can use brandable name like that people will remember.

Be creative: It is a fact that we all wants to have a single-word domain for our websites. It is also a fact that such domains are hardly available most times. Creativity becomes too important here in order to get around this reality. I highly advised on the combination of two words to achieve this. For example, YouTube is a combination of two separate words. Therefore, without creativity, knowing how to start a blog that makes you money will not have much impact on you. This is because at every stage of blogging, new challenges will appear.
Step 3: Pick a blogging platform

With domain name issue finally settled, the next item is to choose a blogging platform. A blogging platform is the service or software your new blog will be installed and run on. There are so many choices available and they include the following: Blogger, WordPress, TypePad, Squarespace, and Tumblr.
Out of all the types listed above, WordPress is the most popular.
I have used various blogging platforms before at my early years of blogging. Of all I have used, WordPress remains the best blogging platform. WordPress is very flexible to use, it has a high level of functionality and is used by majority of bloggers the world over.

If you are convinced and want to use the WordPress platform, the following options are available for you.
Hosted WordPress blogs: These blogs are often referred to as blogs. They offer free subdomain and free-hosting services with limited functionalities.
Self-hosted WordPress: These blogs are often referred to as blogs. In this platform, you have to have your own domain and hosting accounts, you then install the WordPress on your hosting space.

One fact stand out, for most people, a self-hosted WordPress blog is the better choice over any other

Step 4: Start your blog

Now, I am assuming you choose a self-hosted WordPress blog instead of a hosted one. With it, you have your own unique identity and you are ready to start blogging. Don’t panic, it is very easy to get your blog up and running in the shortest possible time. If however you find it difficult to do, I will help you do it for FREE. Yes, I will do it for you 100% FREE and hand it over to you while you keep your wallet and credit card away.
Just click HERE to let me help you get your blog up and running.

Step 5: Design your blog

Once your blog is installed and live online, you will need to customize the design and make it look unique. WordPress blog has already made designs called themes.

A free theme comes pre-packaged with WordPress, but it’s possible that so many people out there are using it. Because of that, I recommend you to use a premium theme. Apart from exceptional and better features, the main benefit of a premium theme is that you have access to support. A place to ask questions and report problems is extremely valuable, especially when you’re just get started.

On like free themes, Premium themes are more technical and may require the service of an expert to help you get started. This way, everything is done for you from start to finish. All you have to do is blog and market your blog. I personally recommend you to take advantage of Premium Blog Installation located HERE. With it, you have 247/365 support. You just communicate your desire, make necessary items available and you are good to go. Click HERE NOW!

Step 6: Start blogging!

If you follow all the steps above till this one, you are right on track and off to a great blogging experiences. At this point, you can now focus on writing quality articles!
Of course, there are many more things to learn as you sail on in the sea of blogging, some easy while some tough and scarce too. Just remember one thing, we have all been exactly where you are now, we did the needful and just like the rest of us, you can do it and exhale!
Surely, how to start a blog that makes you money will not be completely dealt with by the six points above.  To get more, follow the next recommendation.

Free Online Traffic

Every webmaster has one common and ultimate goal set for their respective systems and that is to drive traffic to their websites without spending a fortune. Generating millions of visitors every day to your site amidst the equally millions of competitors in the World Wide Web is an extreme challenge. Therefore learn, understand and master some free traffic tips that will surely take your online ventures into greater heights.
What are basic steps to create free traffic?
There are innumerable ways in order to creatively generate free traffic to your website that will ensure profits to your venture. Here are 6 of the most important free traffic tips you need to consider.
Search Engine Optimization. This is the best way of generating web traffic in a cost-effective way. Since search engine generally gives 84% web traffic to most web sites, it is important to work on them by starting out with meta tag generators. You can search online for targeted keywords to include in your description, keyword tag and title in your html heading. Other things to consider in search engine optimization are link popularity and search engine positioning which you can extensively study through online sources.
Article Marketing. Another of the most effective free traffic tips is to write articles that are great sources of understanding and explaining the content of your site. You can come up with 300 word articles which are generally providing techniques or advice which is specifically addressed through the use or facilitated through your endorsed products or services. There are several article directories where you can submit your articles such as, and so much more.
Classified Ads. In order to utilize classified ads to generate web traffic, you need to make effective ads and pay close attention to the copy. Classified ads that are sure to draw people to your site should be teasers and have a strong and persuasive effect on people.
Trade Links. This is quite effective since collaborating with other webmasters to trade links certainly draws millions of customers through developing a particular link that people are interested about. You can then follow it up by visiting other sites, sending personalized or customized emails to webmasters and venture into networking through discussion groups or forums.
Video Marketing. One of the most common free traffic tips is through this alternative which is quite similar to article marketing yet visuals are more effective media compared to print. You can utilize video marketing to promote your website by making at least a 5-minute video. Once done with the video you can submit it to several video sharing sites on the net.
Webmasters and web site owners have more than enough opportunities to promote their ventures through countless resources online. Following some effective free traffic tips are surely indispensable tools to make sure that their investments are on the right track providing more profitability and returns. generate free website traffic.
How It Works: At, we offer a system that will drive top quality traffic to your websites. 24-7-Traffic is a Manual Traffic Exchange, For every site you visit (This is called surfing), you will receive one visitor back to your website. The more websites you surf the more, visits you will receive back to your website in exchange.
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In case you are searching the Internet for info about the niche of one way links, then make sure to go to the web page which is mentioned in this passage.